These works are based on / respond to the site of Billy Hobby’s Well which is a local wishing well encompassed within Chester’s Grosvenor Park (1867+). Folklore claims that if a ‘love struck’ girl stood with her right leg in the well and left leg outside then her wish for a husband would come true.

This well (now dry) and built over lays claim to another and older context of being located on a piece of land locally known as ‘Billy Obbie’s field.’ Scholars point out the name Obbie/Hobby is likely to have been derived from the old English name Hobb which means devil or demon (thus Hobgoblin). Hobb can also be used synonymously as Puck who is a medieval English character, an agent of chaos, made famous by Shakespeare’s in A Midsummer Night's Dream. We can imagine that this field combined with the well together held a mystical/occult meaning for a past Cestrian community


Imagining Charlotte Lucy


Ruminations of Impossible Stairs